Health Coaching

"Andrea is a gifted healer. She has helped me to confidently and courageously listen to my own heart and body wisdom, taking the actions I so deeply desired. She gently guided me to discover and claim my own power, and subsequently my own life. The aches and pains within my body have decreased significantly, and I lost 15 lbs. Most importantly, with Andrea's support, I created healthy thought and eating patterns, through a greater awareness of myself and actions. I am grateful to have had Andrea's support in nourishing my body, mind and spirit and most of all loving myself."
Martha Lucier

"I have been gifted the opportunity to being coached by Andrea. In the weeks we have worked together I have only been more and more impressed by the talent she conveys as a health coach. Andrea shows great integrity, patience and compassion. Each week our sessions are packed full of great teachings and tools and throughout it all I feel fully supported. I always look forward to our next meeting and know that every week I grow and expand with the knowledge and teachings Andrea shares with me. In the end, I know that Andrea is with me every step of the way. It is an honour and a pleasure to walk this path with her. She was born to do this work! Thanks again for this amazing journey."
Monika M

"I took Andrea’s Total Transformation 90 Day Intensive. For me that included 8 hour (plus) phone calls over a twelve week period interspersed with 4 causal realignments - also an hour plus and done in her office. This course was life transforming. Not only did I learn techniques for accomplishing the things that are important to me, but I learned how to let go of things that were negatively affecting my quality of life. I let go of relationships that weren’t serving me. I learned how to let go of guilt! The causal realignments were amazingly relaxing and informative - almost hypnotic. I didn’t want them to end. This course is for anyone who can’t seem to find answers to the problems in their life. There are answers, and Andrea knows how to teach you to find them."
Ann HÂ Â 74 yrs

"We started by setting my 90 day goals. Andrea provided me with tools and support throughout the 90 days to assist me in reaching those goals by the end of the 90 days and/or shortly after.
My goals were to: Lose 20lbs, quit smoking, bring laughter back into my life, and establish a healthier morning routine.
At the end of my 90 days: I have lost 10 lbs, cut my smoking from 1 pack a day down to ¼ pack a day. I now eat a healthy breakfast, have my lunch prepared and spend time to organize my day ahead. There is daily laughter and a bounce in my step.
Within the 90 days I also achieved these major intentions: a new job which I am loving, a great social life again, and my kids are well established in promising life directions.
Thank you, Andrea for being my living angel.
You have given me the tools to bring positive results to my life."
A.L.  54 yr old female

"It's great having my own personal cheerleader! Today I came home and walked to the mailbox (3/4 block one way?) without poles or phone! New goal - do it daily. I can do this! Thanks for being there!" (MS client who previously required walking aid)
Ellen V

"I have had three Causal treatments with Andrea, and each one has been powerful and with different results. The first session with Andrea, I had no expectations for the outcome. I was blown away! This initial treatment was physical healing of past accidents: a broken arm (40 years ago); multiple surgical scars that occasionally burned when my body was run down; a sprained ankle (4 weeks prior); a 48 year old head injury. I felt bones shift, tendons repair, and toxins eliminate. My second causal realignment was mental as well as more physical repair. Andrea assisted in bringing forth positive thinking and forgiveness of myself and others. For many years I suffered from chronic diarrhea (biweekly at least) – since this treatment, I have not had any at all! The second session brought me full circle on a journey I started 20 years ago, but never completed. My third session strengthened my first two treatments. It also gave me acceptance for myself, others and for the journey I am on. I am again setting long term goals for myself. I have more energy and a bounce in my step! My fourth session is forth coming. I know it will provide me strength and healing to continue to grow mentally and physically. Thank you, Andrea, for the assistance provided to better my life. I recommend Andrea and this treatment for EVERYONE."
Lee F

"Causal Body Realignment has brought me more deeply into my body, heart, mind and spirit. At the same time, it is helping me develop a more objective perspective of myself and my experiences ... the Within/Without so to speak. My dream life has shifted and I also feel a fuller, more profound connection to Mother Earth and the Elements. For all of this I am truly grateful ... thank you Andrea!"
Deanna F

"The first time I saw Andrea was for knee pain that had bothered me for months. After just 10 minutes, it felt much better. After 5 days, the pain and swelling were completely gone, and have not returned. Since I got such great results, I went again to see her for severe wrist pain and swelling. I was not disappointed. Immediately after the treatment (which only took another 10 minutes), no more pain! I recommend Andrea's gentle trauma treatment for anyone who has been injured....it works! Thanks!"
Chris MÂ Â 26 yr old male

"I can breathe again!"

"It's so amazing how many things you picked up which are happening right now. Today's treatment was gentle and powerful. A hundred thousand blessings to you!"

Causal Body Realignment is one of the most important and empowering investments I have made in my health and self growth.
The treatment is powerful yet gentle, intriguing and inspiring. Andrea Beatty creates a safe restful space and with skillful intuition and compassion, and shares messages and insights she receives from higher dimensions.
During the four sessions, my heart and soul felt infused with love and deep peace. Andrea took time to carefully listen to my thoughts and shared her wisdom answering my questions.
I feel connected, supported, more at peace and confident to shine brighter in my life and the lives of others I touch.
My final session was truly a celebration.
Thank you Andrea for your extraordinary gifts and loving heart!
Heartfelt gratitude and blessings
Gwen Jones

"I was really shocked by whatever I felt, being almost immediately confirmed through your visions. It was super-cool and I can't wait for my next visit!"
C. Cooper

After my first session, I felt stronger and lighter than I had in years. Everyone has been telling me how young I look! Andrea's amazing scope of knowledge and high intuition has helped me greatly in going forward in my spiritual journey. My health has improved and I no longer suffer from anxiety attacks and acid reflux. I am adding Causal Realignments to my ongoing self-care plan. Thank you so much Andrea!!
L. Neilson

I can hardly believe how much better I feel after receiving this powerful treatment! I am sleeping better than I have in 20 years, have gotten rid of my 'fuzzy brain', and am just an all-round happier woman. Thank you sooooo much Andrea, I will be back!
R. Connelly
Ready to start healing yourself? Get in touch and book an appointment today.